About Us

Welcome to Wutz Yo Kind

We approach our designs, apparel and products with an emphasis towards your expression and the love for the cannabis plant!

Cannabis-Inspired Apparel Brand Wutz Yo Kind

At Wutz Yo Kind™, we believe that fashion should reflect the needs of the people who wear it, and right now, lots of people are in need of clothing that reflects their love of cannabis culture. We know that you’re not just looking for clothing that works in your day-to-day life—you’re also looking to express yourself through the brands you love and the styles you follow. That’s why we started Wutz Yo Kind to create fashion apparel designed to complement cannabis culture with artistic freedom and unique design elements you won’t find anywhere else.

Although I have been a long time fan of cannabis, it wasn’t until recently that I decided to design and market my own line of weed related clothing and accessories. With medical and recreational marijuana use becoming legal in more than half of all US states and full legalization sweeping across Canada, , we felt like now was as good a time as any to make our dreams come true. Through hard work and dedication, we were able to create an online cannabis lifestyle brand for cannabis lovers like ourselves: Wutz Yo Kind™ (WYK™). Our motto is Legalize Love, and we wear it proudly on our sleeves; standing up for those who simply want equal rights for responsible cannabis use.

Why We Started
There are only two real reasons to start a business, at least in our humble opinions. For one, you have an idea that you believe will improve upon an existing product or service for consumers. And two, you have a niche that you think can be better served by someone other than what currently exists. For us, it was both of these things. We started Wutz Yo Kind™ because we wanted to enhance what was available in cannabis-related clothing and accessories through professional design and quality materials through a Brand you will come to love. From every corner of our organization, from top to bottom – from founder down to entry level employee – we understand deeply that people wear brands they love and want to make a positive impact on people’s lives. If your goal is customer satisfaction above all else – which ours is – then working toward making sure others feel good about themselves makes sense.

Our Mission
Inspired by our love of cannabis, we wanted to create products that people not only like, but that they feel proud to wear in public. Based out of New Jersey (where weed is legal), we believe passionately in equal rights for all! We hope you enjoy what we’ve created. If you do please share with your friends and family. Thank you so much for supporting us! And we hope to see you in one of our great shirts soon!!

The Wutz Yo Kind™ Brand
The word Kind or technically (Kine) also meaning toward the old saying of kind bud hence the work kind came from for our logo. The idea for a cannabis-inspired clothing brand started with a the question of asking what your kind meaning strain flavor. What if we could go into a store and buy cannabis-related clothing that didn’t feel overly branded or leave you feeling less than professional? That’s where our inspiration came from, and WYK™ was born. Here at Wutz Yo Kind™ Apparel we provide you with cannabis themed apparel and products. Although most of our apparel designs are discretely about our logo with specific with strains, Flavors of your choice.

What to expect in our future
The cannabis industry is projected to make $47 billion in sales by 2021. We’re ready to ride that wave of growth, and we’re super excited about all of the amazing products that are on their way. From

Whether your love is for Sativa, Indica, Hybrids or Ruderalis there is a product for you. So explore our store and find a product you can wear proudly! So Wutz Yo kind™? Flavor that is

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