What is the history of the bong?

What is the history of the bong?

The earliest evidence of cannabis use in human culture dates back to 5000 BC in Taiwan, where hemp rope imprints were found on pottery. The first written record was also discovered in Taiwan during that time, by archaeologists who unearthed a tomb containing 2,500-year-old pottery fragments depicting people using what looked like tobacco pipes.

While historians debate the exact history of the bong, one thing remains constant – people have been using water pipes to smoke cannabis since the early 1900s. Glass bongs have been used since then, but they didn’t become very popular until the 1960s and 1970s, when glass blowing technology improved. Since then, bongs have come in an endless variety of shapes and sizes, with different types of percolators used to ensure smooth smoke that is easy on your lungs. Read on to learn more about the history of the bong!

Different Types of Glass Bongs

What is a Glass Bong and How Are They Used? People often think that a glass bong and water pipe are exactly alike, but they’re not. The main difference between these two types of smoking instruments has to do with how you smoke your weed. A water pipe is used for smoking dry herbs, such as marijuana and tobacco, while a glass bong does not contain any water. Instead, you use it for smoking substances like hash oil or other sticky resins. Both kinds of pipes use ice cubes in order to cool down your hit so that it isn’t too hot when it enters your lungs—which can help reduce coughing.

Today’s glass bongs

To better understand how today’s glass bongs work, let’s take a look at its predecessors. We’ll start with your standard marijuana pipe, typically fashioned from wood or metal. It can come in all shapes and sizes, though you’re likely to find a bent design for better ergonomics and comfort. These pipes have been around since time immemorial (pun intended), but they were most prominent during colonial America, when tobacco was a commodity crop grown across the country. When it came time to harvest tobacco plants, pipes became useful tools for smoking dried tobacco leaves – namely because these leaves aren’t fit for rolling into joints or putting into blunts/cigars.

Glass vs. Plastic

Today, you’ll find a number of different types of water pipes on store shelves. These products can be made from a variety of materials, including plastic, glass, silicone and ceramic. Which material you should buy depends on a number of factors, including your budget and personal preferences. To help you figure out which type to purchase, let’s take a look at some basic pros and cons for each material. Here are three things to consider when making your decision: Cost – Glass is typically more expensive than plastic; however, there are options available with dual tubing that reduce costs. Ceramic tends to be very pricey.

Glass Bongs are Healthier

Let’s be honest, if you smoke weed often you should really consider getting a glass bong. Not only do they look much more elegant than a cheap metal pipe, but they also allow for an incredibly clean and smooth hit that no wooden or acrylic piece can compete with. The reason that glass water pipes are so superior to all other smoking devices comes down to one thing: filtration. It is nearly impossible to eliminate all of the tar, toxins, and carcinogens from any burning material; however, by filtering your smoke through water inside a bubblier or bong before inhaling it allows these impurities to settle at the bottom where they can be disposed of harmlessly. Since our lungs were never designed to directly inhale harmful substances such as tar and ash we want as little as possible in our lungs when we take a hit.

Glass Hits Different

Although I’ve been smoking for years, it wasn’t until about three months ago that I acquired my first glass pipe. Prior to that, I was strictly a plastic piece person. Despite what you might think, there are some distinct advantages to using glass pipes. For one thing, they feel much better in your hand. In fact, after trying a glass pipe, I promptly threw out all of my other bowls and ashtrays. But what is perhaps more important than how good they feel is how cool (no pun intended) looking they are. Simply put, most people will be very impressed with your choice to use glass over plastic.

Keep it Clean

Keeping a clean bong does not only smells better but it is much healthier. Whether its a glass bong, plastic bong or silicone bong you still want it a clean bong. Here is a master guild on how to clean your bong from master labs. Thanks for reading and healthy bonging!

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